Hooded Eagles Sweatshirt w/Badge and Name on Back – Color Options


SKU: EaglesBadgeName Category:


Gildan Hooded Sweatshirt. (brands may vary)

Comes with the Eagles Badge on the front and Player Last Name (heat pressed) on the back at the bottom of the sweatshirt. To add an number on the sleeve for additional $6, select the button below as “YES” and put your number in the box.

Please make sure you try on all items for proper sizing as once personalized, the sweatshirt is yours. Sizing available for trying on at BK Sports.


Additional information


Navy, Black, Lt Blue

Sweatshirt Size

Youth Medium, Youth Large, Youth X-Large, Mens Adult Small, Mens Adult Medium, Mens Adult Large, Mens Adult X-Large, Mens Adult XX-Large

Add Number to Sleeve

No, Yes

Tried on Sizing

No (I am accepting responsibility), Yes I have